Producers Guild

Southern California Wildfires: Resources Emergency Assistance | PGA Member Specific Assistance

Producers Guild Calls for Industry Transition to Clean Energy

About PGA

Bringing together the producing team in film, TV and emerging media

The Producers Guild of America is a non-profit trade organization that represents, protects and promotes the interests of all members of the producing team in film, television and emerging media.

Learn more about us
Member Exclusive Programs

Strength of the Community

PGA members benefit from being part of a community that is more than 8,400 strong with decades of experience in all facets of producing. Members share a deep commitment to giving back and paying it forward within their Guild – whether its volunteering to mentor others or making their first calls when staffing up.



One-on-One – All members are eligible to request a mentor. Open enrollment two times per year.


Hire PGA

Offering companies uniquely customizable ways to engage with members based on their company priorities, hiring needs and timeline. Members automatically receive targeted job listings. Some employers ask PGA to collect and forward all applicants, some also request select members for speed interviews. Want to ensure that you receive appropriate job listings? Please take a moment to update your profile. 

Voices and Faces of the Guild

Meet Some of Our Members

Stephanie Allain
Julius Tennon
Tonya Lewis Lee
Melanie Cunningham
Lori McCreary

Join PGA

PGA is a professional trade association. Membership is not automatic.

Membership requirements are based on Guild-recognized qualifying credits and years in the industry.

Wondering how to become a member? Use our quick-check tool to find out if you may be eligible to join.

Click below for more details on the qualifications, application process, and rates.

For a list of membership benefits, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get health insurance if I join?

Unlike our sister guilds, we do not have a PGA administered health plan. However, there are health care options we connect eligible members to, including the Motion Picture Industry Health Fund Plan.

I recently received “p.g.a.” designation for my screen credit. Am I now a member?

No. PGA membership and the Producers Mark (p.g.a.) are two completely different designations with separate processes for approval. Membership in PGA is not a requirement to receive the Producers Mark, a certification mark which PGA licenses to the producer(s) of feature-length productions that are identified as performing a majority of the producing functions on a specific motion picture in a decision-making capacity.

I’ve applied for membership before but was denied. How can I be reconsidered?

Before you re-apply, be sure to check our membership requirements. Criteria can change over time, so check back regularly. Still have questions? Please email

What Committees and Groups can PGA members join?

There are more than a dozen PGA Committees and Groups which any PGA member can join. 

Industry Love


Producers shoulder the responsibility for the tone and tenor of productions. As such, the Guild has established a number of tentpole initiatives for which it is a leader within the industry. Collectively, these initiatives help lead the industry and culture forward.   

PGA Create logo

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

A Commitment to being One Guild - inclusive and representative of all

  • PGA Create, an immersive lab for emerging and mid-career creative producers from backgrounds underrepresented in the industry 
  • You must submit with project in active development, financing or packaging.
  • The next Scripted Cycle will take place in late Spring 2025. Applications will open in late 2024. Please note: PGA Create’s Documentary/Non-Fiction Cycle will return in 2026. 
  • Please join our mailing list to learn about all future cycles.
Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP


Is your company, network, streamer or studio looking to hire?

Photo by Todd Williamson/Invision for Producers Guild/AP Images

Producers Mark (p.g.a.)

A certification mark for feature-length productions

Identifies which producers performed a majority of the producing functions on a specific motion picture in a decision-making capacity

Producers who meet this standard may use the Mark (p.g.a.) next to their names in the onscreen credits and ads for a specific motion picture.

Check out the requirements


Producers set the culture and tenor on a set

  • Resources:
    • For Independent Productions: Set Etiquette Training (free harassment prevention training and two-hours of free legal consultation related to the training)
    • For Individual Producers: Contract Services’ Safety Pass Program (PGA members can access special deals on safety training videos here.)
    • For Members of Guilds, Unions and Film Schools: Educational Workshops to help make everyone on your set feel comfortable (for info, email
    • Production Safety Playlist on our YouTube channel – #MakeItSafe


PGA’s Commitment to Sustainability - On Sets and On Screen

Producers Guild Awards

Celebrating the year’s best producing achievements!

Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision for Producers Guild of America/AP Images

A Day with the PGA Awards Nominees

Watch the Videos
Latest Edition

Produced By magazine is published four times a year. Producers Guild members receive a complimentary subscription with their membership.