Membership Qualifications
PGA is a professional trade association. Membership is not automatic.
Feature Film
Feature Film (Animated)
Feature Film (Documentary)
Short Film
Episodic TV (Scripted Series)
Non Fiction TV
Special Event TV
Digital Short Form
Video Game
Special Venue
Immersive Media
For a list of ineligible formats, click here.
An applicant must have received an eligible producer or producing team member credit, and performed the underlying work as defined in the PGA Code of Credits, on eligible media formats and productions.
The credit must be for work performed by and verifiably attributed to the individual applicant (e.g., opening or end credits, digital credit block for video game, immersive or special venue formats). NOTE: Company credits on a production are not eligible for consideration of membership.
An applicant’s credits can only come from productions released within the last FIVE (5) YEARS at the time of the application submission with the following exceptions:
- For feature films and AAA video games, the eligibility window is SEVEN (7) YEARS;
- For feature animation, the eligibility window is TEN (10) YEARS.
Productions submitted on the membership application must satisfy or exceed distribution and exhibition benchmarks.
– OR –
THE PRODUCERS MARK (p.g.a) – Producers granted “the Mark” (p.g.a.) on TWO (2) or more FEATURE FILMS with qualifying distribution. (*)
– OR –
AWARDS NOMINATIONS – Producers nominated in select producing categories for the Oscars and the Producers Guild Awards, and apply within TWO (2) YEARS of their nomination. (*)
* Producers meeting this criteria may qualify for membership without supplying other information.
In addition to considering whether an applicant has met our requirements, the Guild may also consider other information regarding the applicant’s conduct and/or professional experience, including whether such conduct and experience are consistent with the purpose, mission, values and policies of the Guild. Whereas information an applicant provides serves as a useful guide for eligibility, the Guild may interpret these membership requirements as it deems fit, and may accept or deny an applicant for any reason in its sole discretion.