Producers Guild

PGA Announcements:

Explore the PGA Member Community | PGA Calls for Industry to Transition to Clean Energy

The Membership

Elena Sporillo, Ian Chernichaw, Yuewen Jiang, Todd James, Kim Wright and Justin Simonich pose with their PGA award at the Producers Guild Awards Annual East Coast Nominees Celebration on Monday, Jan. 13, 2020, in New York. (Photo by Diane Bondareff/Invision for Producers Guild of America/AP Images)

PGA has 8400+ members spanning the full Producing Team in Scripted, Non-Fiction, Documentary, Animation, and Emerging Media sectors.

The value of membership is the power of the network. Members have exclusive opportunities for mentoring, job postings sent directly to them by employers interested in hiring PGA members, access to discounts. 

The full Producing Team is comprised of: Executive Producers; Producers; Co-Executive Producers; Supervising Producers; Senior Producers; Line Producers; Co-Producers; Associate Producers; Segment Producers; Field Producers; Story Producers; Production Managers; Visual Effects Producers & Coordinators; Post-Production Supervisors & Managers; and Production & Post-Production Coordinators.