Task Forces
Task Forces are Guild groups that are created and dissolved at the discretion of the Board or the President(s) for the specific purpose or targeted goal. Task Force membership is offered by invitation only.
Bylaws Task Force
Chairs: Tim Gibbons, Kay Rothman
Healthcare Task Force
Chair: Harvey Wilson
Independent Film Producers Task Force
Interim Chairs: Dan Lupovitz, Peter Saraf
Membership Task Force
One Guild Task Force
Chairs: Tonya Lewis Lee, Lori McCreary, Shelby Stone
Producers Mark Task Force
Chairs: Stephanie Allain, Donald De Line
Producer Industry Issues Task Force
Production Innovation Task Force
Chair: Joanna Popper
Production Safety Task Force
Chair: Jen Haire
Sustainability Task Force
Chairs: Lydia Dean Pilcher, Mari Jo Winkler