Producers Guild

PGA Announcements:

Explore the PGA Member Community | PGA Calls for Industry to Transition to Clean Energy

Governance and Policies

The Producers Guild of America, Inc. is guided by four basic governance documents, as set forth below. Collectively, these documents establish the Guild's mission and purpose, governance structure, policies, and procedures.
  • Articles of Incorporation (contains the Guild’s statement of purpose and other legal components)
  • Bylaws (outlines the basic structure of the Guild and includes legally required information regarding membership, the powers and duties of the Board, and broad rules of governance)
Member Access Only (accessible via the link if you are logged in)
  • Member Policies (includes policies that apply to all Guild members, such as the code of conduct, event protocols, conflict of interest guidelines, and communication policies)
  • Procedures Manual (includes details regarding the Guild's governance structure, leadership requirements, opportunities for member engagement, and more)
  • Elections (includes details about current ballots, nominees, candidate profiles, and more)