Producers Guild of America Announces Key Dates for “The PGA Innovation Award” for the 35th Annual Producers Guild Awards
Award Honors Outstanding Entertainment Endeavors Across VR, AR, Experiential and Other Interactive or Immersive Media
LOS ANGELES, CA — The Producers Guild of America (PGA) today announced the application period is now open for the PGA Innovation Award and the deadline for submission is January 10, 2024. The PGA Innovation Award will be bestowed upon the production of a noteworthy, impactful emerging media program that significantly elevates the audience’s experience. The winning submission will challenge the limits of standard formats and drive forward the industry’s perception and application of the future of media in an entertainment context. Entries will be reviewed and voted on by a jury of blue-ribbon experts in the field.
“As co-chairs of the jury, we are on the lookout for visionary projects that redefine the boundaries of entertainment. The PGA Innovation Award is a tribute to those who dare to dream beyond convention, pushing the industry towards new horizons.” collectively said by jury leaders Joanna Popper, Eric Shamlin and Chris Thomes. “We invite everyone working in interactive or immersive media to submit their project for consideration in this prestigious award.”
"The PGA Innovation Award continues to highlight the Guild’s commitment to recognizing emerging media alongside film and television," said Stephanie Allain and Donald De Line, Presidents of the Producers Guild of America. “We are proud to honor the teams behind these cutting edge, immersive productions.”
Programs released between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023 are eligible for the honor. For programs that cannot be viewed linearly via the existing submission procedure, a video demonstration may be submitted instead. For additional details about the submission process, the award and eligibility requirements, please visit:
The Innovation Award honors exceptional distinctiveness, inventiveness, and impacts of the submitted work in expanding the conventions of program format, content, audience interaction, production technique and delivery. In 2019, when the PGA awarded the inaugural prize to the team behind “Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series – Episode 1.” In 2022, the team behind “For All Mankind: Time Capsule,” an AR app created by Apple to promote the second season of “For All Mankind,” was honored with the award. In 2023, the producing team for Stay Alive, My Son was awarded, recognizing its commitment and innovation in storytelling.
The Innovation Award, along with other key awards, will be given out at the PGA Nominees Event prior to the Producers Guild Awards show. Confirmed details about that event, which will happen prior to the awards ceremony on February 25th, are forthcoming.